Hayden Folker
Hayden Folker
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  You are free to use  Devoted  music track (even for commercial purposes on social media / monetized videos), but you must include the following in your video description (copy & paste):

Devoted by Hayden Folker |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

   Devoted  |  Track Details

   Track description:  Amazing cinematic music by Hayden Folker. The music is published under Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)  and you can use it in your content (even monetized) for free if you credit Hayden Folker . The track’s length is 5 min and 41 sec. Both MP3 and WAV files are available for free download.

  You are free to use  Devoted  music track (even for commercial purposes on social media / monetized videos), but you must include the following in your video description (copy & paste):

Devoted by Hayden Folker |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

   If proper attribution is not possible, it is necessary to acquire a license to use the music.
  You are not allowed to use this track or any of the tracks on as background music for your own musical work. Uploading or distributing the music tracks under your own [ Music Artist Name ] to Music Streaming Services and Platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, etc. is strictly forbidden.
FSM Team | Cinematic Vol. 1ROYALTY FREE Island Chill Beats

Devoted | Hayden Folker
Hayden Folker
Rising Dawn | Ethereal 88
Rising Dawn
Ethereal 88
Clouds | Ethereal 88
Ethereal 88
Hopes and Dreams | Ethereal 88
Hopes and Dreams
Ethereal 88
Sky | Alex-Productions
Hazy Day | Ethereal 88
Hazy Day
Ethereal 88
a promise | Keys of Moon
a promise
Keys of Moon
Khazad - Dûm | Justin Allan Arnold
Khazad - Dûm
Justin Allan Arnold
Casting Off | WombatNoisesAudio
Casting Off
Starlight Tale | Keys of Moon
Starlight Tale
Keys of Moon
Niobe | Justin Allan Arnold
Justin Allan Arnold
Doom of the Dragon Slayer | Justin Allan Arnold
Doom of the Dragon Slayer
Justin Allan Arnold
Jul | Scott Buckley
Scott Buckley
Winter | Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
Cheezy Piano Medley | Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
Cheezy Piano Medley
Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
The Long Way Home | Scott Buckley
The Long Way Home
Scott Buckley
Sad Piano | Alex-Productions
Sad Piano
Desolation | Alex-Productions
The Longbeards Beneath The Mountains | Justin Allan Arnold
The Longbeards Beneath The Mountains
Justin Allan Arnold
Emotional Piano Improvisation | Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
Emotional Piano Improvisation
Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
Gatekeeper | The Piano Says
The Piano Says
Elegy For A Family | Justin Allan Arnold
Elegy For A Family
Justin Allan Arnold
Yuletide | The Piano Says
The Piano Says
Celtic Whispers | Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
Celtic Whispers
Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords)
Resolutions | Scott Buckley
Scott Buckley
Rosalita | The Piano Says
The Piano Says
Santa Claus Night Express | Makai Symphony
Santa Claus Night Express
Makai Symphony
Azure, Purple & Gold | WombatNoisesAudio
Azure, Purple & Gold
Adrift Among Infinite Stars | Scott Buckley
Adrift Among Infinite Stars
Scott Buckley
Lullaby | Keys of Moon
Keys of Moon
Ruins in the Forest | Justin Allan Arnold
Ruins in the Forest
Justin Allan Arnold

  The majority of the royalty-free music on this website is released under Creative Commons Licenses (CC-BY). You are free to use the (CC-BY) music (even for commercial purposes) as long as you credit the artist in your web project, YouTube or social media video description. You can find more detailed information how to credit the artist in every music / song page. The free music on this website is not a subject to any copyright issues. If you can't or you don't want to credit the artist, you have to buy a license from the artist's website. If you need royalty free background music for your business or everyday life, work and play activities, feel free to use our curated collection of Royalty Free Music Playlists.