Ron Gelinas Chill Beats
Ron Gelinas Chill Beats
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  You can use Easy by Ron Gelinas Chill Beats for all applications / platforms (even for commercial purposes) except on: Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Please credit Ron Gelinas Chill Beats in your video description.

   Easy  |  Track Details

   Track description:  "Easy" is a chill lo-fi track that combines elements of jazz, R&B, and soul music. It features a jazzy piano chords as the main melodic instrument, with a lo-fi beat serving as the rhythmic foundation. Additionally, the track includes two guitar solos. One is performed with a wah-wah effect, adding a psychedelic touch to the sound, while the other is a clean jazz guitar solo. Overall, the track showcases a blend of traditional jazz and R&B elements with a lo-fi aesthetic and contemporary production techniques. This royalty free music is available under Free-To-Use License  and you can use it for free for your monetized content if you credit Ron Gelinas Chill Beats . Free downloads are available in MP3 and WAV audio formats. The track’s length is 01:44 and the tempo is 94 BPM.

  You can use Easy by Ron Gelinas Chill Beats for all applications / platforms (even for commercial purposes) except on: Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Please credit Ron Gelinas Chill Beats in your video description.

Credit text example (copy & paste):

Easy by Ron Gelinas Chill Beats | https://open.spotify.com/artist/03JYfsI9Ke7JFuxHD239m2
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
  You are not allowed to use this track or any of the tracks on free-stock-music.com as background music for your own musical work. Uploading or distributing the music tracks under your own [ Music Artist Name ] to Music Streaming Services and Platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, etc. is strictly forbidden.
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  The majority of the royalty-free music on this website is released under Creative Commons Licenses (CC-BY). You are free to use the (CC-BY) music (even for commercial purposes) as long as you credit the artist in your web project, YouTube or social media video description. You can find more detailed information how to credit the artist in every music / song page. The free music on this website is not a subject to any copyright issues. If you can't or you don't want to credit the artist, you have to buy a license from the artist's website. If you need royalty free background music for your business or everyday life, work and play activities, feel free to use our curated collection of Royalty Free Music Playlists.